Excellence in Leadership,
Science and Education

Great things are done by a series of small things.

The State of Latinos in U.S. Higher Education


Two recently released reports provide an enlightening picture of the state of higher education for Latinos in the United States. While there have been encouraging developments over the past 10 years, Latinos remain underrepresented and underserved across virtually all post-secondary education sectors, with many barriers to Latino higher education attainment — and the accompanying life-long, generation-spanning benefits that could accrue — remaining stubbornly in place.
The first report is a 2015 fact book, “The Condition of Latinos in Education,” prepared by Excelencia in Education (EIE), which contains a wealth of information from early childhood education through graduate studies and into employment.


Ricardo Azziz, MD, MPH, MBA

A educator-scientist-executive with over 20 years of leadership experience in higher education, research, and healthcare, Dr. Azziz currently serves as Regents’ Professor, Augusta University; Senior Fellow, American Association of State Colleges & Universities; Visiting Scholar, Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California; and former founding CEO, Georgia Regents Health System.